《KKday 獨家優惠碼》- 獨家9折優惠碼 (優惠至19年1月31日)
今次KKday 個優惠碼其實剩係可以係KKday SG網到買既姐,小編岩岩試左我個會員就算上左KKday SG都係用唔到,咁即係點用?就係要你reg 個新SG會員Account,再禁入去SG網到買就會用到喇!咁如果你咁岩你新加坡人就唔洗咁麻煩喇,就咁去番下面條link 買就可以嫁喇!
拿!去旅行既野就真係小數慢長計,如果你係諗住報d day tour 既,我就建議你真係麻煩少少整個SG Account 就即享9折優惠喇,因為多數d Tour 閒閒地都4百幾5百蚊既,有9折既話兩個人都可以慳番成舊水!
不過要留意番一樣野,就係今次個code 剩係可以用係去日本同越南既Tour 既姐!
優惠 - 《KKday 獨家優惠碼》
優惠詳情: 一日團、兩日團或其他旅行團即享9折優惠
優惠時間: 即日起至2019年1月31日 出發日期: 即日起至2019年2月28日
Code: CHINESEANKK 連結:https://www.kkday.com/en-sg/ (記得禁呢條LINK, 個Code先會用到)
- Promo code is valid from 15 November 2018 - 31 January 2019.
- Promo Code is only valid for purchase via https://www.kkday.com/en-sg
- Refer to the white label site stated above for the respective promotion code.
- Travel experiences must be completed by 28 February 2019.
- This promo code will only apply to day-tours, half-day tours and multiple-days tours for Japan and Vietnam.
- Only applicable for purchases made via https://www.kkday.com/en-sg/
- Only applicable for purchases made from Singapore.- If the booking is cancelled, the coupon code will no longer be valid for use.
- Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts, packages purchased or vouchers redemption.
- KKday reserved the rights to stop this coupon code to be used on certain travel experiences without prior notice.
如果你見到個優惠過左期, 唔洗驚! 記得禁埋下面條link, 睇番KKday的優惠! URL: https://www.tgifpost.com/kkday-promo